started as a blog as an ode to my lappie Delta, now has become part of my usual weekly activity.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Mood: ALT + 058 + ALT + 068 (Happy, Excited)

Happy new year guys! Hopefully, this year will be more productive for us Filipinos. I wish (really wish) that those moronic politicians would start doing their jobs instead of destabilizing the government. There are more important issues in our country such as unemployment, poverty and illiteracy. We all know that the issue on the presidency will never be resolved unless they truly want the truth for the benefit of our country without vested interest. On the lighter side, I'm getting my 12" iBook (Delta) tomorrow. Yipeee! it's like i'm a kid again. hehehe. new toy!

Thought chain: speaking of jobs, I once applied for a summer job with enchanted kingdom (immediately after highschool). I attended their week long training, got the uniform and was set for work, but sadly had to defer because UP had their enrollment (for my freshman year) right smack in the first day of deployment (which was crucial). ended up not coming back to work anymore, but i still come back as a patron. :D btw, i still have their uniform. hehehe


Blogger carla said...

ooh ooh... and the id? maybe you can sneak us in :D

6:30 AM


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