started as a blog as an ode to my lappie Delta, now has become part of my usual weekly activity.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Silent Hill is Coming!

Mood: ALT + 058 + ALT + 044 (Yey!)

For this summer, I'm awating for the screening of Silent Hill here in Manila! Yes, I'm a fan of the game Silent Hill. Played both 1 and 2. I don't know, but the game gives me the creeps whenever I play it sometimes (especially that freaking radio and its static). I used to play it whenever I got home after class, which was usually in the evening and stretches til the wee hours of the morning. Anyway, the US debut is on the 21st of April. I don't really know the screening release here, but I hope it's not that far from the 21st. I viewed the trailers both on the big screen and on the net. Which makes me wonder, why is the child's name "sharon" in the movie? I remembered her name as "cheryl" in the game. well, maybe they changed parts of the original story from the game to match a different screenplay. But in any case, I'm anticipating its release as the movie feels much like the silent hill game. So, who else wants to watch silent hill? ;)

Though Chain: I wonder if the movie will meet my expectations. ;)


Blogger carla said...

im really looking forward to this movie too. trailer pa lang natakot na ako hehehe :D hope hindi naman maging disappointement

3:24 AM

Blogger ascii said...

I haven't watched Crying Freeman or Necronomicon. Never knew there was a movie. I know there was a game. hehehe.

Oo nga, sana hindi disappointment. The newspaper yesterday said it would be showing today. But I can't find a darn single cinema that's featuring it. Damn!

10:55 AM


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